Cosmogony (cos·mog·o·ny) – 1: a theory of the origin of the universe, 2: the creation or origin of the world or universe.
Parsing allusions that traverse time and space, A#16 curator Alessandro Michele’s Cosmogonie collection for Gucci is a palimpsest of opulent remixes: transferring the conceptual anchor of Walter Benjamin’s wunderkammer of quotations and ideas into aesthetic form. His letters with fellow philosopher Hannah Arendt, her essays on life and further modern interpretations of their praxis are synthesized throughout, in metaphorical statements that render the intangible tangible.
Paraded hours after Monday’s Super Flower Blood Moon around the 13th century Castel del Monte in Puglia, an octagonal prism that has served at times as a hunting lodge or a prison, the collection (in all its complex historical nuance) merits examination and deconstruction, yet forms a statement greater than the sum of its parts.