

A Magazine Curated By Sacai, 2023.

The 25th issue has been curated by Chitose Abe of sacai, the founder and designer of the cult Japanese label.

Proposing a radical ultramarine blue cover signed in both English and Japanese, A Magazine Curated By Sacai explores the world of community and high concept behind sacai, from an international series of #sacaiTHEpeople portraits from Tokyo to LA, to commissioned projects by chefs, industrial designers, architects, artists, writers and business analysts. From the material concerns of minimalist architecture and up-cycled industrial design to the intangible possibilities of CGI products and A.I. fashion reporting, Abe has channelled sacai’s collaborative spirit into a profoundly contemporary document that approaches her brand pillars of hybridity and ‘stability and betrayal’ in myriad ways.

Chitose Abe, photography by Shoji Uchida

Contributors in alphabetical order:

Ai Katsuoka, Alfredo Piola, Anita Borzyszkowska, Audrey Fondecave, August Templer, Benoît Astier De Villatte, Chikashi Suzuki, Colette Roussaux, Craig McDean, Daisuke Gemma, Daniel Arnold, Dr Woo, Edison Chen, Fraser Cooke, Gelchop, Ghetto Gastro, Hank Willis Thomas, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Ilya Kagan, Ivan Pericoli, Jack Pierson, Jean Touitou, Jessica Ogden, Joaquin Laguinge, John Heng, Josephine Creighton, Karl Templer, Katsu Naito, Keith Oshiro, Kohei Kawatani, La Mode En Images, Lawrence Weiner, Marvin Leuvrey, Michel Gaubert, Mickael Barelaud, Noua Unu Studio, Pablo Zuleta Zahr, Philip Andelman, Piczo, Rashida Jones, Rollswyze, Rory van Millingen, Ryan Aguilar, Sarah Andelman, Shawn Horvath, Shioli Kutsuna, Shupei Qin, Sou Fujimoto, Stephanie Fei, Takashi Homma, Tariq ‘Black Thought’ Trotter, THE D SoraKi, Toraya, Toru Oshima, Vince Aung, Yoshi Tsujimura, Yoshihiro Narisawa, Yosuke Kubozuka, Yusuke Seki

The issue includes a limit-edition glossy print photo insert by Craig McDean & Karl Templer.

Astier de Villatte by Marvin Leuvrey

Gelchop by Joaquin Laguinge

Julia Walking (After Muybridge) by Craig McDean & Karl Templer

Rashida Jones by Noua Unu Studio

Sou Fujimoto


Toraya by Toru Oshima

Where is Chitose? by Pablo Zuleta Zahr


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